Team SMILES is focused on expanding work from Team BRIDGE (NRT 2022-2023 cohort) on addressing inequities and improving mental health access for minoritized underserved communities. We aim to further develop relationships with our community partner, the City of Alexandria’s Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan (CHIP), to better serve the diverse communities in Alexandria. SMILES will pursue this goal to improve mental health access by conducting community needs assessments through focus groups and surveys in groups with unique language access needs; Arabic, Amharic, and Spanish-speaking communities. Ultimately, we will present this information back to the community through both evidence-based academic products and more importantly, community-accessible resources and presentations to inform local mental health access policy. .

Kirubel Tadesse

Affiliation Placeholder

Mary Ryan

Affiliation Placeholder

Michelle L. Harlan, MPS

Affiliation Placeholder

Nilima Hakim Mow

Affiliation Placeholder

Tahani Chaudhry

GMU Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student

Arnab Debnath

GMU Computer Science PhD Student.

Samiul Islam

Computational Sciences and Informatics PhD Student, George Mason University.

Saadat Hasan Khan

GMU Computer Science PhD Student

Leo Augustus Miller

GMU Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Doctoral Intern LGBTQ+ Resources Center.

Alonso Gabriel Ogueda-Oliva

GMU Mathematics Doctoral Student & GMU Institute for Digital InnovAtion's Predoctoral Fellow.


Elementary School Aged Youth

Resources for elementary and young people seeking guidance in their MH journey.

Middle and High School Aged youth

Resources compiled for middle and high school aged youth seeking MHA

Parents and School Staff

Resources compiled for parents and school staff seeking MHA

Aging Population

Resources compiled for aging population seeking MHA

Caregivers/Family& Friends

Resources compiled for caregivers / family & friends seeking MHA

Individuals with Mental Health Conditions

Resources compiled for individuals with mental health conditions seeking MHA


Please share your thoughts, recommendations, concerns, improvements, etc., using the feedback form below.

NOTE: Do not use this contact form if you need crisis counseling. If you need immediate help, please call 988 to talk with a trained counselor.